Wednesday, June 17, 2009

cream of chicken

i went grocery shopping for the first time as a married woman the other day. it was quite an adventure. i have been grocery shopping many times before, but this time it was different. this time it was legit. i shopped at costco. costco is not your normal grocery store, it is a grocery store on steroids. it's a little daunting, as a first timer. the shelves and shelves of different foods and appliances scared me at first, but i was bound and determine to overcome my fear and make it to the check out. this was my first time in costco alone. it was like i set out on the plains as a pioneer alone, the wilderness spread out in front of me- i didn't know where to start. you know when you have a task to accomplish and it seems so overwelming it sort of paralyzes you? that is costco to me. i showed my costco card (well, actually my mom's, i'm not officially a club member yet), grabbed a huge cart and entered the vast frontier. as i unfolded my humble list on lined paper, i felt costco laugh at me. i looked around and saw people with their carts stacked high with bulk items, some people had the flat carts stacked with boxes and others even had two carts. you gotta stock up on the must haves. buying bulk is a nerve racking thing, what if you buy too much and it goes bad? what if you don't like it? what if...well, i'm a pro at what ifs. but i will say one thing, you can get an incredible amount of carrots at costco for an incredibly low price. also, i will never buy tortilla chips from anywhere else again. i can get a huge bag of mission chips for cheaper than a small bag of the generic great value tortilla chips at walmart or smiths. at that point, costco had me sold. literally. while i did spend more money than i might have at smiths or walmart, i won't have to go buy carrots, green beans, broccoli or refried beans for a long, long, long, long time. my first real shopping experience as a wife was wonderful. i got a great workout pushing that huge cart around and then unloading everything into our apartment...on the second floor. i made about 24 trips, just going up. it was great. my legs are toned. stay tuned...

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