Tuesday, June 16, 2009

wedding bliss with a side of fries

when nathan and i arrived at my parents home, it was a mad house (even more so than usual!) the wind was blowing. the tablecloths were blowing higher than marilyn monroe's skirt and trees were falling over like we were in lumberjack country. everyone was running around wiring things to the walls, tying things down and repositioning everything that just kept falling over. even my groom had to slip out of his white shirt and tie and do a little drilling. i was still confined to the wedding dress and so i chose to write in my journal the events of the day. i sat in the old green overstuffed chair my parents have in their living room and wrote in my journal. with everyone blowing past me and the wind terrorizing the backyard reception i sat calm, cool and collected, knowing that the most important thing had already happened and i was sealed to my sweetheart. the reception was to begin at half past six. as the time drew nearer many began to fear the outside reception was a mistake. if the heat didn't get you, the wind would! luckily, it was the coolest june day anyone had ever heard of! i decided to go into my "room" and say a quick prayer of thanks, as i did i ask for the wind to stop. minutes later, when the clock struck half past six, the wind ceased, the party began and everyone was happy. i think someone put a good word in with the man upstairs for nathan and i because everything was absolutely perfect! the reception was more than i ever dreamed it could be! friends and family- loved ones- came to celebrate and everyone raved about the sugar cookies (thank you pinks! you do so much for me!). as nathan and i hugged and greeted, every once in a while we would have a moment to look at each other and steal a kiss. i couldn't believe it was finally here! i was standing next to my husband! the reception seemed to fly by. i loved seeing everyone having so much fun and i had a lot of fun myself! grammy made us a beautiful quilt with her own bear hands! she hand stiched the entire temple onto the quilt!!! she's so great! so, after a few dances, and very special moments it came time to say goodbye and start our lives together for real! nathan and i both agreed that we weren't officially married and legit till after the reception (we have our own logic). we walked out of the backyard and everyone blew bubbles, i heard my dad yell "ow! it got in my eye!!!" and we jumped in the car . nathan's brother jake let us drive away in his chrysler 300 and we were lookin fly! as we drove to our suite at the bellagio (life long dream=fulfilled! thanks dad and brother bresler!) we talked about the day and very special experiences we had. i love the man i married and i love knowing he loves me, there's just a lot of love there. ;) as we got closer to the bellagio we both realized we hadn't eaten anything since our little del taco run.......this time, in-n-out. double double for my man and a number 2 for me. animal style. we took it up to the suite and ate at the bellagio in style! nathan and i are probably the only people in the history of the world to stop at two drive throughs (drivethrough wedding chapels don't count) on their wedding day. i love my life!!! the burgers were good too.

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